When we returned that evening, our daughter and her 14-year-old son came with us. They just left for home, 3 1/2 hours north, so I'm getting to the blog at last.
One nice thing about their extended visits when they come is playing games. This time I kept a list of what got played by the four of us . . .
- Alhambra, Aquarius, Cosmic Encounter, Dune, Fluxx en Español, Fourword, Girl Genius: the Works, Heroscape, Huggermugger, Lost Cities, Magic: the Gathering, Message to the Czar, Niagara, On the Underground, Princes of Florence, San Juan, Shadows Over Camelot, Six Generations Card Game, Tribond, and Trivia for Dummies.
We had a wonderful time. The world of board and card games is an RL activity that will probably show up here regularly. I like to play!
My old RL friend Myfi Lundquist (that's her SL name not RL) tells me that one scripter has licensed a version of the old Reiner Knizia card game En Garde! and is offering it in-world in a form where your avatars move up and down the piste with épées in hand. It sounds like I'll have to try it.
I also shot my first round of SL golf. The Holly Kai Golf Club is one of the must-see places in SL, even if you are not a golfer. It is simply a very cool attempt to do RL golf in SL, and a lovely place to look around. A golf fan will also be pleased to recognise reproductions of famous holes like #18 at Pebble Beach and #17 at Sawgrass. Trust me, it's a thrill when you just manage to stay dry on those!
I tried to play in the golf tournament on Saturday, but there was only one time I could have played that was compatible with visiting family and I couldn't line up a playing partner. But I will be back, and I'll get pictures next time.
Fraulein Janus,
You might not have seen - I mentioned Antiquity's En Garde! setup to Colonel O'Toole, and he promptly installed the system in Polymath Upstairs, Middlesea. You might like to try it out there, since the Colonel welcomes visitors quite readily.
Klaus Wulfenbach, Baron
Postscript: Your friend's name gave several of my staffers a bit of a turn - one of the Consulate volunteers is 'Myfanwy' - nicknamed 'Myfi' by her intimates - and is purchasing land in Steelhead Harborside on the opposite side of the sim from your Myfi. They thought they were seeing double at first. ~KW
What are the odds! Neither Myfi nor Myfanwy is a common name in Second Life, or probably anyplace else. (Perhaps in Wales, but I've certainly not been there.) Having two in the same new sim . . .
"My" Myfi borrowed my sky platform a couple of times for her Harborside build. She's working on something called "Myfi's Doughnut Shop and Card Room". It looks good, but I hope she doesn't run out of prims.
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